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Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Abbrucharbeiten

Langjährige Familientradition in Abbruch und Industriedemontage.


Professionelle Abbrucharbeiten für jedes Projekt.

Industriedemontage mit höchster Präzision und Sicherheit.

Vertrauen Sie unserer Erfahrung und Kompetenz.


Über uns

Wir sind ein traditionsreiches Abrissunternehmen mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Abbruch und Industriedemontage. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Familientradition.

A large piece of heavy machinery is positioned in front of a partially demolished building. The building's exterior shows significant damage, with debris scattered and structural beams exposed. Nearby, a large metal container and a scoop from the machinery are visible.
A large piece of heavy machinery is positioned in front of a partially demolished building. The building's exterior shows significant damage, with debris scattered and structural beams exposed. Nearby, a large metal container and a scoop from the machinery are visible.
An orange excavator is performing demolition work amidst a pile of rubble and debris, surrounded by partially demolished buildings. The machine is branded with 'Hitachi' on its side and is set against a backdrop of brick and concrete structures.
An orange excavator is performing demolition work amidst a pile of rubble and debris, surrounded by partially demolished buildings. The machine is branded with 'Hitachi' on its side and is set against a backdrop of brick and concrete structures.
Two excavators are actively working on the demolition of a multi-story concrete building. The building is partially demolished with exposed floors and debris scattered around. A blue construction fence with a yellow logo is in the foreground.
Two excavators are actively working on the demolition of a multi-story concrete building. The building is partially demolished with exposed floors and debris scattered around. A blue construction fence with a yellow logo is in the foreground.

Garantierte Qualität

Als Abrissunternehmen stehen wir für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Unsere Familientradition garantiert Ihnen professionelle Lösungen im Bereich Abbruch und Demontage.

Unsere Dienstleistungen

Wir bieten professionelle Abbrüche und Industriedemontagen mit jahrzehntelanger Familientradition an.

An excavator is actively demolishing a stone structure near a canal. The backdrop includes classic European architecture and a prominent domed building. The setting appears to be urban, with cobblestone paths and a clear blue sky.
An excavator is actively demolishing a stone structure near a canal. The backdrop includes classic European architecture and a prominent domed building. The setting appears to be urban, with cobblestone paths and a clear blue sky.

Effiziente Abbrucharbeiten für jeden Bedarf und jede Größe, präzise und termingerecht.

A construction excavator is engaged in demolition work, surrounded by smoke and dust. The machinery is positioned on a pile of rubble, consisting of broken concrete and twisted metal. A 'no parking' sign is displayed among the debris, and a partially destroyed building is visible in the background.
A construction excavator is engaged in demolition work, surrounded by smoke and dust. The machinery is positioned on a pile of rubble, consisting of broken concrete and twisted metal. A 'no parking' sign is displayed among the debris, and a partially destroyed building is visible in the background.
A construction excavator with a bucket attachment is demolishing a brick building. Rubble and dust are visible as the bricks fall and the structure collapses. The building appears to be residential with windows and parts of the interior exposed.
A construction excavator with a bucket attachment is demolishing a brick building. Rubble and dust are visible as the bricks fall and the structure collapses. The building appears to be residential with windows and parts of the interior exposed.

Sichere und fachgerechte Industriedemontagen, angepasst an die individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden.

Vertrauen durch Erfahrung

Familienunternehmen mit Tradition und Expertise in Abriss und Industriedemontage.

Unsere Projekte

Wir realisieren Abbruch- und Industriedemontageprojekte mit Erfahrung.

A construction vehicle with a hydraulic arm is actively engaged in demolishing a section of a house. The exterior wall of the house is partially torn down, exposing the framework and interior. Debris, including pieces of wood and siding, is scattered across the ground. The surrounding area is wooded, with trees visible in the background.
A construction vehicle with a hydraulic arm is actively engaged in demolishing a section of a house. The exterior wall of the house is partially torn down, exposing the framework and interior. Debris, including pieces of wood and siding, is scattered across the ground. The surrounding area is wooded, with trees visible in the background.

Unsere Abbrucharbeiten sind präzise und effizient, durchgeführt von erfahrenen Fachleuten, die auf Sicherheit und Qualität achten, um Ihre Anforderungen bestmöglich zu erfüllen.

A partially demolished building surrounded by rubble and debris. The structure has missing walls and exposed beams, with piles of bricks and dirt scattered around. A large metal blade, possibly from a bulldozer, is positioned in front of the scene.
A partially demolished building surrounded by rubble and debris. The structure has missing walls and exposed beams, with piles of bricks and dirt scattered around. A large metal blade, possibly from a bulldozer, is positioned in front of the scene.

Die Industriedemontage erfolgt mit modernster Technik und geschultem Personal, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf und die Einhaltung aller Vorschriften zu gewährleisten, damit Ihre Projekte termingerecht abgeschlossen werden.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit Abbrucharbeiten und Industriedemontage Stark Essen war hervorragend. Professionell, zuverlässig und mit viel Erfahrung. Ich kann sie nur empfehlen!

Max Müller

An aerial view of a demolition site with scattered debris and construction equipment. The remains of a building with red-orange roofs surround the area, indicating significant destruction.
An aerial view of a demolition site with scattered debris and construction equipment. The remains of a building with red-orange roofs surround the area, indicating significant destruction.
